Donor Resources
Donor FAQs
Why donate through the Wayne County Foundation?
By giving through the Wayne County Foundation, you are supporting local philanthropy and the causes you care about, long term. The staff of the Foundation are dedicated, experienced professionals whose mission is to assist you and keep your intent always at the front of their mind. The staff understands the changing needs of your community and has a thorough understanding of the nonprofit organizations serving those needs. The WCF is committed to the stewardship of assets and ensures that the charitable goals of donors are met now and for generations to come.
Donor Privacy
You decide when or whether you want to be recognized for your gift or remain anonymous. You can feel secure in knowing that your personal information will never be disclosed.
How can I set up my own fund?
We will meet with you individually or with your financial advisor to discuss your charitable giving interests and needs, and how we can best fulfill them while making the most of your philanthropic dollars. You choose what to give, when to give, and what cause(s) or organization(s) you wish to support.
What are the financial benefits and tax advantages of giving through the WCF?
The Wayne County Foundation is a public charity and donations qualify for the maximum available deduction for charitable contributions in the year when the gift is made.
Gift Acceptance Policy
The Foundations will accept all forms of donor philanthropy consistent with their mission and policies, including those gifts whose benefits do not fully accrue to the Foundations until some future time. Gifts may be received outright, or by will or by trust. The Foundations will only accept gifts, however, which are consistent with their 501(c)(3) status, reserving the right to refuse any proposed gift, including those which may subject the Foundations directly or indirectly to any restriction or condition that prevents the Foundations from freely and effectively using the assets, or the income derived from them, to further their exempt purposes.
For more information, please contact Rebecca Gilliam at 765-962-1638 or by email.
Types of Funds
Click on each type of fund to see a full list.
Unrestricted Funds
Flexible and responsive to emerging and changing needs, unrestricted funds can make a broad and lasting impact. Donors place no restrictions on their gifts and trust our Board’s grantmaking expertise to allocate resources where they are needed most in Wayne County
Field of Interest Funds
Donors choose an area of passion, and the fund will support organizations and programs making a difference in that specific field.
Designated Funds
Funds designated to support a specific charitable organization. These funds provide long-term resources for the organizations that matter most to you.
Donor Advised Funds
These funds allow donors to actively recommend grants to nonprofit organizations. Sometimes referred to as charitable checking accounts, they offer donors flexibility to make gifts throughout the year.
Scholarship Funds
Enhance access to higher education for Wayne County students. With a minimum fund balance of $50,000, gifts create opportunities for students seeking to continue their education after high school.