Our Blog

Playing the long game: Plan ahead in 2025
Your clients (and you!) may still be recovering from a hectic end to 2024, but don’t let that stop you from helping families get a jump on their charitable planning for 2025. As compelling as year-end giving may be, even more compelling are...
Looking ahead: Charitable planning techniques on the horizon
The Wayne County Foundation team keeps a finger on the pulse of current events and legal developments that could impact the way you work with your charitable clients. Below are three notable items that you’ll likely want to keep in mind this fall. Election year...
Closely-held stock is having a moment
Giving stock is an important strategy for any private business owner to explore. Not only can these gifts help implement a business succession plan that calls for transferring the business to the next generation if that is your client’s goal, but gifts of stock can...
Donor Story: Roxie Deer
Throughout this year, the Wayne County Foundation is highlighting several of our donors through blog posts. Their stories demonstrate how philanthropy creates a positive impact in the community. For our fourth donor story, we talked with Roxie Deer who established the...
Gifts of real estate: Watch every step
Some of your clients may express an interest in giving real estate to charity. You’re certainly aware that gifts of real estate to a fund at the Wayne County Foundation, just like gifts of other long-term capital assets, can be extremely tax-efficient because your...
Less can be more: Charitable giving helps parents pass wealth to children
How much is too much? That’s a question many parents ask as they structure lifetime gifts and bequests to children in their financial and estate plans. Wealthy clients are sometimes concerned that leaving money to their children could backfire and hinder their kids’...
Counting pennies: How to counsel frugal yet charitable clients
Over the years, you’ve likely observed that clients have different assumptions about what it takes to be a “philanthropist.” The interplay between a client’s perception of personal wealth and charitable giving capacity presents interesting opportunities for client...
Donor Story: Rick Ahaus
Throughout this year, the Wayne County Foundation is highlighting several of our donors through blog posts. Their stories demonstrate how philanthropy creates a positive impact in the community. For our third donor story, we talked with Rick Ahaus who established two...
Gifts of Appreciated Stock: Picking Favorites
You’re well aware that donating highly-appreciated stock to a fund at the Wayne County Foundation offers significant advantages for your clients over making cash gifts. Communicating this benefit, however, can be challenging when clients have emotional attachments to...