Charles A. Rodefeld Award

Leading Our Community…



2020 Charles A. Rodefeld Award Recipient
For Leadership in Philanthropy and Community Service

Monica Koechlein was awarded the Charles A. Rodefeld Award for Leadership in Philanthropy and the Community. The award honors the Foundation’s founder, Charles Rodefeld, a person who moved persistently yet humbly to help meet community needs. The Rodefeld Award recognizes Wayne County citizens and/or companies who have been there when agencies or organizations most needed them, who served faithfully, though without fanfare, and who have provided leadership and significant financial support over the years. Nominated by both the Richmond Friends School and the Stamm Koechlein Family Foundation, Monica was recognized as a leader who has a true passion and interest in the community and one who works to build strong relationships between patrons of the arts and the Richmond Symphony Orchestra, where she serves as Executive Director. Additionally, she serves on the development committee for Richmond Friends School and helped develop the Scholarship Forward Initiative, a tuition assistance program.

Indiana University East Vice-Chancellor of External Affairs, Jason Troutwine, said of Monica: “Her greatest service and gift to our community is what she does outside of her role with Stamm Koechlein Family Foundation and the Richmond Symphony Orchestra. She is a quiet leader. She encourages people along their path by creating training and networking opportunities. She champions young professionals by introducing them to new partners or mentors. She looks for opportunities to make Wayne County better and motivates others to share in the vision…and then, steps back from the spotlight. Monica embodies the very spirit of the Rodefeld award.”

About the Award…

The Charles A. Rodefeld Award for Leadership in Philanthropy and the Community honors a man who was not widely known as a philanthropist or worker for non-profit organizations.  He was, instead, a person who moved quietly but steadily to help meet community needs.  The Rodefeld Award seeks to recognize Wayne County citizens and/or companies who have been there when agencies or organizations most needed them, who served faithfully and well, though without fanfare, and who have provided leadership and significant financial support over the years.  To qualify for the Charles A. Rodefeld Award, an individual, corporation,  or organization must have demonstrated exceptional leadership and innovative commitment to addressing  a community concern or a dedication to improving the effectiveness of an existing charitable institution while maintaining an attitude of humility.  Evidence of achievement must be demonstrated by gifts of volunteer leadership and significant personal/corporate resources.

Previous Rodefeld Award Recipients

1994 – Charles A. Rodefeld
1995 – Robert W. Rosa
1996 – J. Ross and Natalie Harrington
1997 – Kathleen Postle
1998 – Becky Rosa
1999 – John M. Harlan
2000 – Jim and Helen Cope
2001 – William R. Niersbach
2002 – Victor R. Jose
2003 – Donald C. McCullough
2004 – Tom and Claire Ann Milligan
2005 – Inezetta Stiver
2006 – Paul Lingle


2007 – Andy Cecere
2008 – Albert Gentry
2009 – Jon Ford
2010 – David and Carla Stidham
2011 – Richard ‘Jeff’ Jeffers
2012 – Cheri Jetmore
2013 – Father John Luerman
2014 – Frank and Mary Alice Adney
2015 – Jack and Debra Edelman
2016 – Ray Ontko
2017 – Ginger Gray
2018 – George Schmid
2019 – Rick Ahaus