Our Funds

We offer a diverse selection of fund types for donors to consider. Each one has its own advantages and forms of impact.


Unrestricted Funds

Flexible and responsive to emerging and changing needs, unrestricted funds can make a broad and lasting impact. Donors place no restrictions on their gifts and trust our Board’s grantmaking expertise to allocate resources where they are needed most in Wayne County. 



Ahaus Family Fund 

Anonymous Family Fund 

Ball-Bolle Family Fund 

Bank One Endowment Fund 

Bob Rosa Family Fund 

Brady Family Fund 

Capital Campaign Fund 

Chad and Rebecca Gilliam Family Fund 

Charles A. and Billi A. Rodefeld Family Endowment Fund 

Cranor Family Fund 

David and Carla Stidham Fund 

David W. Oberle Unrestricted Fund 

Doug and Ellen Bennett Endowment Fund 

Dudley and Rosemary Ramsey Memorial Fund 

Elmer J. and Esther T. (Meer) Schwegman honoring Dot Food Grocery and the Schwegman Hotel Fund 

Emergency Fund 

Erma Rich Unrestricted Fund 

Ernie and Betty Mills Unrestricted Fund 

Eunice E. Dare Unrestricted Fund 

Fankhouser – Harzman Family Fund 

Franklin and Barbara (Bavender) Schwegman Fund 

Franklin J. Schwegman and Judith A Heavin-Schwegman Fund 

George N. Schmid Unrestricted Fund 

George R. and Janet J. Reller Unrestricted Fund 

Gethers Family Fund 

Glen and Jewell Spears Endowment Fund 

Harry and Catherine Thomas Memorial Fund 

Henry Macy Memorial Endowment – Unrestricted 

Hub and Zella Etchison Memorial Fund

Ross and Natalie Harrington Memorial Fund

Janette Nottingham Memorial Fund 

Jeannette Rodefeld Memorial Fund 

Jeffers Family Fund 

Joan Martin Endowment Fund 

John H. and Mary J. Brubaker Memorial Fund 

John W. and Mary Jeannette Flory Rohe Fund for Wayne County 

Jon Morgan Endowment Fund 

Julia Downs Endowment Fund 

Kathy Lehman Memorial Endowment 

Kleinknecht Endowment Fund 

Len and Mary Jo Clark Endowment Fund 

Lilly Gift VIII 

Lilly Unrestricted Fund 

Lowell Robinson Family Fund 

Madalene White Unrestricted Fund 

Mann Family Youth and Education Fund 

Margie Tanner Memorial Endowment 

Marie Ingabrand Memorial Fund 

Mary Louise Custer Memorial Fund 

Matching Seed Money Fund 

McBride Fund for Wayne County 

Memorial and Honor Fund 

Mike and Carol Hinshaw Endowment Fund 

Nora Lee Latture Memorial Fund 

Patricia and Marlowe Kluter Memorial Endowment Fund 

Patricia Wedding Unrestricted Fund 

Paul and Pat Lingle Endowment Fund 

Philip and Eleanor Starr Unrestricted Endowment 

Phyllis Eloff Legacy Fund 

Powers Unrestricted Fund 

Ray J. and Mildred Raper Memorial Fund 

Reid Social Responsibility Endowment Fund 

Reising Fund 

Robert R. Rhoads Community Endowment Fund 

Roger and Connie Green Family Fund 

Ronald L. Hughes Endowment Fund 

Rosar Family Fund 

Roy M. Ridge Endowment Fund 

Roy Ridge Community Leadership Fund 

Ruby Ellen Phillips Memorial Fund 

Stamm-Koechlein Family Fund 

Susan Isaacs Endowment Fund 

Suzanne G. Quigg Memorial Fund 

The Lafever Fund 

Tom and Joy Holthouse – First Bank Community Fund 

Unrestricted Fund for Wayne County 

Vera Reynolds Unrestricted Fund 

Wayne County Foundation Board Members’ Fund to Support Unrestricted Grant-making 

West End Savings Bank Community Fund 

William F. Adler Memorial Fund 

William F. Adler, Jr. Trust 

William H. Reller Memorial Fund 

William R. and Mary E. Niersbach Unrestricted Fund 

MRL Bday

Field of Interest Funds

Donors choose an area of passion, and the fund will support organizations and programs making a difference in that specific field.


Abram Phillips Trust 

Agribusiness Fund 

Bob York Memorial Fund 

Carolyn and Roland Cutter Fund for Early Childhood Education 

Charles and Maxine Matthews Arts Fund 

Charles and Maxine Matthews Education Fund 

Charles and Maxine Matthews Environmental and Animal Welfare Fund 

Children’s Fund 

Community Leadership Fund 

Early Childhood Literacy Endowment Fund 

Easter Seals Camp Assistance Fund 

Easter Seals Community Fund 

Fine Arts Endowment Fund 

Florence Bultman Endowment Fund 

Fred Gabbard Fund 

Gertrude Luckhardt Ward Fund for Neighborhood Revitalization 

Goodwell Family Memorial Fund 

Harry A. and Marilyn Voyles Fund 

J.B. and Frances Holthouse Family Fund 

John and Geraldine Bullerdick Fund 

Literacy Fund 

Miriam D. and J. Rollf Wadman Memorial Fund No. 1 

Miriam D. and J. Rollf Wadman Memorial Fund No. 2 

Mothers Bank Fund 

Peter J. and Jean T. Rossi Fund for Youth Services 

Richmond Day Nursery Legacy Fund 

Robert L. O’Maley and Gregg Martin O’Maley Memorial Fund 

Roscoe and Rosa Haindel Foundation Trust 

Senior Volunteer Services Fund 

Supporting Youth in our Community Fund 

Vic and Faye Jose Fund for Early Childhood Literacy 

Wedding Fund for the Humane Treatment of Animals 

West Side Cemetery Fund 

William L. and Elvira J. Thomas Memorial Fund 

Women with Purpose Endowment Fund 

Wyatt Endowment Fund

older couple

Designated Funds

Funds designated to support a specific charitable organization. These funds provide long-term resources for the organizations that matter most to you.


Albert C. and M. Loraine Gentry Fund 

Altrusa Club of Richmond Fund to Benefit Girls, Inc. 

Angela Brinker Endowment Fund 

Anne Withers Memorial Fund 

Barker Family Fund 

Benjamin F. and Lanette E. Young Designated Endowment Fund Benefiting the Center for Leadership Development Inc.  

Beverly A. Cox Fund to Support Levi Coffin House 

Bonnie Nicholson Endowment for Education 

Bowen Family Fund 

Carl J. Martin Endowment Fund for West Grove Cemetery 

Carolyn MacDowell, RN, Fund for Adult Day Care 

Centerville-Abington Educational Endowment 

Charles E. Kienzle-Kiwanis Endowment Fund 

Chris and Nancy Helmsing Memorial Fund 

Chris Benton Fund to Benefit Starr-Gennett Foundation 

Clay and Opal Brooks Family Fund 

Clifford J. and Martha J. Dickman Family Endowment Fund 

David Sherick HELP the Animals Endowment Fund 

Donald and Martha L. Hoffman Memorial Fund 

Eileen M. Hunt Seton Scholarship Fund 

Elmer J. and Esther T. (Meer) Schwegman Fund for Cambridge City Public Library 

Elmer J. and Esther T. (Meer) Schwegman Fund for Golay Community Center 

Elmer J. and Esther T. (Meer) Schwegman Fund for St. Elizabeth Catholic Church 

Families for HoPE Endowment Fund 

Father John Luerman – Circle U Help Center Fund 

Father John Luerman Fund for Golay Community Center 

Father John Luerman Fund for St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church 

Father John Luerman Fund for Western Wayne County 

Father John Luerman Fund for Western Wayne Dollars for Scholars 

Father John Luerman Mother Teresa Charity Fund 

Father John Luerman Tuition Assistance Fund 

First Bank Richmond Private School Tuition Assistance Fund 

Frank and Madeline Hensley Memorial Fund 

Franklin and Barbara (Bavender) Schwegman Fund for the Brick Church Cemetery 

Franklin and Barbara Schwegman Fund for Hagerstown Museum and Arts Place 

Franklin and Barbara Schwegman Fund for Hagerstown-Jefferson Township Library 

Franklin J. Schwegman and Judith A. Heavin-Schwegman Fund for Cambridge City Public Library Fund 

Franklin J. Schwegman and Judith A. Heavin-Schwegman Fund for Golay Community Center 

Franklin J. Schwegman and Judith A. Heavin-Schwegman Fund for St. Elizabeth Catholic Church 

Friends of McBride Stadium 

Fund for Civic Hall Performing Arts Center 

  1. Howard and Helen L. Holthouse Memorial Fund

Gilbert Klose Endowment Fund 

Grover and Dorothy Henthorn Fund for JACY House 

Grover and Dorothy Henthorn Fund for the Boys and Girls Clubs

Charles and Joan Bartel Endowment Fund

Hazel Thornburg Emry Scholarship Fund 

Henry and Ruth Macy Memorial Museum Fund 

Henry J & Hedwig Seegers Luerman Family – Circle U Help Center Fund 

Henry J. & Hedwig Seegers Luerman Mother Teresa Charity Fund 

Henry J. and Hedwig Seegers Luerman Endowment Fund 

Ira Carter Neighborhood Development Fund 

Jack & Sandra Doyle Charitable Fund for Circle U Help Center 

Jack & Sandra Doyle Charitable Fund for First Baptist Church 

Jack & Sandra Doyle Charitable Fund for Gideons International 

Jack & Sandra Doyle Charitable Fund for Southside Baptist Church 

James D. and Penny C. Duke Fund for the Boys and Girls Club of Wayne County 

James D. and Penny C. Duke Fund for the Richmond Art Museum 

Jane Stephenson Empowering Girls Fund 

Jane Stephenson Outdoor Education Fund 

Jim Bower Fund for Stage One Youth Theatre 

Joan Vigran Memorial Fund 

Joe and Roma Meyer Family Fund for Ivy Tech 

John C. and Gertrude P. Hubbard Catholic Education Fund 

John F. Wohlhueter Award Fund 

Jose Fund for Every Child Can Read 

Joseph & Frances Holthouse and William & Elvira Thomas Memorial Fund 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Fund for Boys and Girls Clubs of Wayne County 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Fund for Gleaners Food Bank 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Fund for Richmond Civic Theatre 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Fund for Richmond Symphony Orchestra 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Fund for United Way of Whitewater Valley 

Kuhlman Center Endowment Fund 

Lamar Lundy Endowment Fund 

Lowell and Gladys Brooks Athletic Opportunity Fund 

Lowell and Gladys Brooks Christian Education Fund 

Lura Carnes Wine Trust 

Marinetta Bringle Fund for Richmond Civic Theatre 

Marinetta Bringle Fund for Richmond Symphony Orchestra 

Mary L. Schmid Fund for Cope Environmental Center 

Mary L. Schmid Fund for Morrisson-Reeves Library 

Mary L. Schmid Fund for Richmond Art Museum 

Mary L. Schmid Fund for Richmond Civic Theatre 

Mattie G. Jacobs Memorial Fund 

Melissa Wilson Coffin and Anna Nicholson Coffin Memorial 

Murray Theatre Endowment Fund 

Nettle Creek Educational Endowment Fund 

Northeastern Educational Endowment Fund 

Pauline Druley Fund to Benefit the Wayne County Red Cross 

Philip and Eleanor Starr Memorial Endowment 

Powers Fund to Benefit HELP the Animals 

Powers Fund to Benefit Optimist Little League 

Randy Ecker Choral Program Fund 

Red Devil Pride Athletic Boosters Fund 

Refuge of Hope Endowment 

Rev. John Luerman Western Wayne Senior Center Inc. Fund 

Richmond Community Educational Endowment 

Richmond Day Nursery Legacy Fund for Richmond Family YMCA 

Richmond Parks and Recreation Department Bark Park Fund 

Richmond Symphony Endowed Fund 

Robert “Bob” Luerman, Carl Luerman, and Father John Luerman Fund for Seton Catholic Athletics 

Robert A. Luerman and Carl H. Luerman Endowment Fund 

Roberts’ Roost Maintenance Fund

Edgar Bond Family Fund

Seton High School Agency Fund 

Seton High School Scholarship Fund 

Siloam Clinic Endowment 

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Endowment Fund 

St. John Lutheran Church Fund for Hunger Relief 

Starr Gennett Agency Fund 

Starr-Gennett Sustainability Fund 

Gloria J. and Richard L. McClaren Scholarship Fund for Seton High School 

The Woman’s Club Speaker Fund 

Thomas N. Coffin Memorial Fund 

Tim Scales Endowed ACTION Fund 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for Historic Landmarks Foundation 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for Seton Elementary Schools 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for St. Martha Catholic Church 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for the Altrusa Club of Richmond 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for the Golay Center 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for the Wayne County Historical Museum 

Tom and Mary Heyob Fund for Wayne County Foundation 

Vikki Johnson Performance Arts Endowment Fund 

Virginia Schussler Stieglitz Fund 

Wayne County Farm Bureau AgrIInstitute Fund 

Wayne County Historical Museum Egyptian Gallery Endowment Fund 

Wayne County Learning Corporation Fund 

Western Wayne Schools Educational Endowment Fund 

Whitewater Gorge Park Project 

Wickemeyer Family Endowment Fund 

Will and Emma Rodefeld Family Fund 

William and Clare Dexter Scholarship Fund 

William R. and Mary E. Niersbach Boys Club Endowment Fund 

William R. and Mary E. Niersbach Endowment Fund 

Youth As Resources Endowment Fund 

YWCA Endowment Fund of Wayne County, IN, Foundation, Inc. 

Zelma Bozworth Memorial Fund 

Zion’s Lutheran Church Of East Germantown, IN Fund 


Donor Advised Funds

These funds allow donors to actively recommend grants to nonprofit organizations. Sometimes referred to as charitable checking accounts, they offer donors flexibility to make gifts throughout the year.


Ahaus Tool Donor Advised Fund 

Barry and Carolyn MacDowell Family Fund 

Centerville Fire Building(s) Renovation Fund 

Chad and Rebecca Gilliam Fund 

Chris Benton Fund for Kiwanis 

Chris Hardie and Kelly Burk Donor Advised Fund 

Clarence and Julia Downs Family Fund 

Connie and Roger Green Donor Advised Fund 

Cooper M. Newton Fund 

Crystal Genise Young and Benjamin F. Young Fund 

David and Becky Harper Donor Advised Fund 

David and Cheri Jetmore Donor Advised Fund 

David and Peggy Rokosz Family Fund 

Deer Family Fund 

Dimick Eastman Family Fund 

Doug and Ellen Bennett Donor Advised Fund 

Doxpop Charitable Giving Fund 

Dudas Advised Fund for the Arts 

Faye Stewart Jose Family Fund 

First Bank Community Fund 

Fund for Tomorrow (ANONYMOUS) 

General Donor Advised Fund 

Girls Just Wanna Give Fund 

Guthrie Family Donor Advised Fund 

Harry Ray Post #65 American Legion Fund 

Howard C. & Suzanne M. Deitsch Family Fund 

Jeff and Lynda Jackson Donor Advised Fund 

Jimmy Miller Fund 

Joe and Roma Meyer Donor Advised Fund 

King Family Donor Advised Fund 

Kiwanis Club of Richmond-Harry Thomas Endowment Fund 

Koechlein Family Fund 

Lucid-Devine Family Fund 

Memorial Fund 

Nelson Forrest Families Fund 

Paul and Pat Lingle Advisory Fund 

Phil Quinn Donor Advised Fund 

Radio Gives Back Fund 

Randy and Pam Kirk Family Fund 

Rick and Debby Ahaus Donor Advised Fund 

Robert and Janet DaPrato Family Fund 

Rodgers-Stewart Charitable Community Fund 

Rohe Family Donor Advised Fund 

Ron DeMao Foundation Fund 

Rosar Donor Advised Fund 

Rotary Club of Richmond, Inc. Endowment Fund 

Second Chance Fund 

Sheridan Family Fund 

Steve and Andrea Mosey Charitable Fund 

Stults Family Fund 

Tim Scales BOSS CEO Legacy Fund 

Van Der Burgt Charitable Giving Fund 

Vigran Family Donor Advised Fund 

Wayne Bank and Trust Co. Community Fund 

Williamson Family Fund 

Women’s Fund 

Women’s Giving Circle Endowed Fund 

Women’s Giving Circle Fund 

Wooldridge Family Fund 

Zelaya Family Fund 


Scholarship Funds

Enhance access to higher education for Wayne County students. With a minimum fund balance of $50,000, gifts create opportunities for students seeking to continue their education after high school.


AAUW-Hoffman Scholarship Fund 

African-American Scholarship and Honors Award 

Alicebelle Parry Scholarship Fund 

Altrusa Club of Richmond, Indiana, Scholarship Fund 

Ann L. Harmeier Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Anne E. Sperling BSN Scholarship Fund 

Anne E. Sperling MSN Scholarship Fund 

Anne Elizabeth Sperling Memorial Scholarship 

Antonio “Tony” Mitrione Memorial Fund 

Betty J. Cecere Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Bill and Barbara Bunger Scholarship Fund 

Bonnie McClelland Sampsell Scholarship Fund 

Caitlin Nichole Walter Memorial Scholarship 

Centerville-Abington Dollars for Scholars 

Charles P. and Sylvia D. Bane Memorial Scholarship-WCCF 

Christina Maria Danielle Leitner Memorial Scholarship 

Christopher H. Coffman Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Clarence Brown Scholarship Fund 

Culberson Family and Reid Health Scholarship Fund 

Daniel Patrick Oberle Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Delta Zeta chapter of Tri Kappa, Inc. Scholarship Fund 

Donald A. McKinney Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Dorotha Kitterman Packard Memorial Educational Fund 

Dr. Tom H. and Annadell S. Ebbinghouse Scholarship for Nurses 

Earl Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Easter Seals Scholarship Fund 

Eastern Indiana Human Resource Association Scholarship 

Ed Clemmer Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Edna Johnston McNary Pickett Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Edward J. Fath Memorial Fund 

Edwin LeRoy Clopp Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Eileen M. Hunt Nursing & Allied Health Scholarship Fund 

Eli’s Purpose Memorial Scholarship 

Elizabeth A. Jay Memorial Loan Fund-WCCF 

Elizabeth Smelser Scholarship Fund 

Ellen M. Lane Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Elmer E. Toschlog Memorial Fund 

Elsa Catey Nursing Scholarship Fund 

Erika A. and George E. Brattain, Sr. Scholarship 

Fern A. Lee Memorial Scholarship 

Frances Mayhew Memorial Fund -WCCF 

Frances Mayhew, R.N. Scholarship 

Francis and Earla Gregg Endowment Trust Fund 

Frank B. Adney, Jr. M.D. Scholarship for Nursing 

Fred M. Nottingham Memorial Fund-WCCF 

Frederick V. Wood and Mary L. Couch Wood Scholarship Fund 

Frostie Gilley Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Galen and June Miller Scholarship 

George Romack Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Glenn Veal Scholarship Trust 

Greg and Rod Jarrett Donor Advised Scholarship Fund 

Hagerstown Community Scholarship Program 

Harold W. Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Hazel Hardwick Wickersham Scholarship Fund 

Helen Coble Business Education Scholarship 

Helen Seaney Scholarship Fund 

Henriette N. Pierson Scholarship Fund 

Hilda Luerman Dickman Herold Scholarship for Catholic Education Fund 

Hub and Zella Etchison-WCCF 

Hubert and Grace Jones Scholarship 

J.D. Radford Scholarship Fund 

Jack Reed Memorial Scholarship Fund 

James and Margaret Gibbons Memorial Fund-WCCF 

James Joseph Scholarship Fund 

Janet Wortman Scholarship Fund 

Jason Chaney Memorial Scholarship 

Jean Hilkert Scholarship Fund 

Jeffrey Duncan Scholarship Fund 

Jerry and Randa Mendenhall Scholarship Fund 

Jim and Sharon Howell Scholarship Fund 

Jo Anne Grigsby Memorial Scholarship Fund 

John W. and Katherine L. Miller Endowment Fund – WCCF 

Johnathan A. Lahmann Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Jonathan Alan Scholarship Fund 

Joseph P. Esposito Scholarship Fund 

Joshua Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Justin B. Cross Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Karl and Marjorie Sharp Scholarship Fund 

Kevin Scott MacDowell Memorial Scholarship 

Kimberly Long Scholarship Trust 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #1- Richmond 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #2- Centerville 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #3-Northeastern 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #4-Hagerstown 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #5-Cambridge City 

Kirk-Little Post 1108 VFW Scholarship #6-Seton 

Kris Lopresti Family Scholarship Fund 

L.E. Gibbs Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Lacy Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Lilly Challenge Fund – WCCF 

Lucid-Devine Family Scholarship Fund 

Lucille Campbell Scholarship Fund 

Luella M. Beatty Stott Scholarship Fund 

  1. Glenn Cross Memorial Scholarship Fund

M.A.U.S. (Making All Uniquely Special) Scholarship Fund 

Margaret Roushar Menning Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Marian H. Niswander Business Scholarship 

Mary E. Hill Memorial Fund 

Mary E. Maurer, Hilda Dickman Herold and Martha Jane Dickman Scholarship 

Mary Hatfield Jenkins Memorial Fund 

Mary K. Paust Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Megan Lyons Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Melba Dawn Chiarenza Scholarship Fund 

Moreta Ballinger Rinehart Scholarship Fund-WCCF 

Myyon Barnes Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Nancy Keelor Kelly Memorial Scholarship Endowment 

Nixon Family Scholarship Fund 

Norman and Josephine Chenoweth – Ira and Pauline Hollinger Scholarship Endowment 

Officer Seara Burton and Brev Law Enforcement Scholarship by Reid Health Fund 

Paul & Mary Kay Keiser Scholarship Fund 

Paul J. and Bernice J. Lamberson Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Paula Marie Davis-Kitts Memorial Scholarship 

Perfect Circle Credit Union Scholarship 

Ralph Burkhardt Scholarship Fund 

Ray Willard Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Raymond Leo House Scholarship Fund 

Rebecca Lanter Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Reid Hospital and Health Care Services Dependent Scholarship Fund 

Reid Hospital and Health Care Services Graduate Student Scholarship Fund 

Richard F. Smith Scholarship Fund 

Richard Wedding and Patricia Wedding Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Rob Mahoney Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Robert E. and Margaret M. Herbst Scholarship Fund for Civic Leadership 

Rodefeld Family Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Ron and Bonnie McClain Family Fund 

Rosa Family Scholarship Award Fund 

Rose Hamilton Scholarship Fund 

Ruby Fender Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Ruby Fender Martin Nursing Scholarship Fund 

Ruth and Henry Macy Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Ruth Hamilton Robbins Memorial Scholarship 

Shepherd Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Stephen C. Varnell Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

Stuart C. and Martha I. Shipman Scholarship 

Tami Goss Memorial Donor Advised Scholarship Fund 

Ted Braxton Creative Arts Scholarship Fund 

Thad Tutterrow Memorial Scholarship Fund 

The Whitewater School Scholarship Endowment 

Vicki Puterbaugh Clinton Scholarship Fund

W. Barry Culy 4-H Memorial Scholarship Fund

Waneta Fulton Memorial Scholarship 

Wayne County College Fund 

William E. Upchurch Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 

William J. Cramer Trust Fund


Interested in establishing a fund at the Wayne County Foundation?

Contact Rebecca Gilliam, WCF Executive Director

Phone: 765-962-1638

Email: rebecca@waynecountyfoundation.org