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Want happy clients? Talk about charitable giving

Want happy clients? Talk about charitable giving

Over the years, more than a handful of attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors have shared with the Foundation team that their happiest clients are those who’ve incorporated charitable giving into their estate and financial plans. Whether or not...

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Playing the long game: Plan ahead in 2025

Playing the long game: Plan ahead in 2025

Your clients (and you!) may still be recovering from a hectic end to 2024, but don’t let that stop you from helping families get a jump on their charitable planning for 2025.  As compelling as year-end giving may be, even more compelling are the reasons for...

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Charitable Strategies for Ultra-High Net Worth Families 

Charitable Strategies for Ultra-High Net Worth Families 

Charitable giving is always an important strategy to discuss with your clients. Many high-net-worth individuals are philanthropic, of course, and charitable gifts reduce taxable income and avoid estate taxes. Charitable giving strategies are particularly relevant as...

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The Election Won’t Immediately Change Tax Laws

The Election Won’t Immediately Change Tax Laws

Many eyes are on the election aftermath seeking clues about what might happen to the tax laws. Of particular interest is the much-analyzed sunset of the higher estate tax exemption, scheduled for the end of 2025 absent intervening legislation. “Absent intervening...

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Into the Great Unknown 

Into the Great Unknown 

Humans crave certainty, and that is certainly not what we have right now during election season, especially where taxes are concerned.  Your clients who support charitable causes may be wondering how the election outcomes might impact their philanthropic plans....

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Event Tickets: Beware of the Split 

Event Tickets: Beware of the Split 

Many of your philanthropy-minded clients certainly enjoy attending fundraising events for their favorite charities. Especially as community events start ramping up this fall, you’ll want to be aware of a little wrinkle in the IRS rules that may surprise your clients...

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Charitable planning can help ease client procrastination

Charitable planning can help ease client procrastination

Procrastination is a drain in ways that go far deeper than the incomplete task itself. We know this intellectually, but it can be so hard to break the procrastination habit. It seems that the more daunting the task, the harder it is to tackle. This is a major reason...

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